Talented, dedicated, humble, simple are the perfect words that describe this great actor. Let me quote an incident here. There was a lot of buzz around 'Bahurupi', which remains one of his finest performances of all time. As with anyone else, I had lot of curiosity in watching it and so I booked a ticket. Before going, I sent him a SMS that we're coming to Yeshwantrao Chavan Natyagriha. Such is his personality that even in his busy schedule he replied back instantly, and to my astonishment, stating that he had kept our tickets at the counter!
Then I replied back that we already have purchased the tickets and sent him our ticket numbers, to which he again said just exchange your tickets at the counter, as our seats were pretty behind. At the ticket counter, we had to accept the refund also, as Mr. Damle had already informed about this to the authorities. When we met later that night, I expressed my view to him … exchange of tickets was okay, but why that refund?
He replied, you people are very busy; still you spare time to see me perform and then spend money also… Time is more valuable than money, isn't it?
I became speechless!!