If you have a strong determination in your mind, if you are ready to work hard for that until you achieve it, then nobody can stop you from success, this is the inspiration I have drawn from the example of a great achiever, Dr. S. B. Mujumdar, a distinguished Academician and Educationist, Founder & President of Symbiosis – a multi-lingual, multi-national and multi-disciplinary educational complex of international repute. Dr. Mujumdar is also the Chancellor of Symbiosis International University.
A simple professor usually in white shirt and black trousers working as the Head of the Dept. of Botany at Fergusson College, Pune for 20 years with Fergusson College Pune; has created an empire of institutes in past four decades. Dr. Mujumdar completed his higher education at Kolhapur and Pune. He obtained a first class first in M.Sc. (Botany) and Doctorate in Microbiology. He has written many standard books and published several papers in national and international journals.
Through his experience at Fergusson College, he realized the difficulties faced by foreign students, particularly those from Afro Asian countries, studying in Pune. Inspired by the ideals of ‘Vishwa Bharati’ of Gurudeo Tagore and ‘Antar Bharati’ of Sane Guruji, and with a desire to help foreign students and offer them a ‘Home away from Home’, in 1971 he established an organization called Symbiosis, which means ‘living together of two different organisms for mutual benefit’. The motto of Symbiosis is ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ – The World is one family’
Symbiosis comprises 43 institutes imparting training in diverse disciplines. It has over 27,000 students who hail from all states of India and from 80 different countries. The ministry of HRD, Govt. of India conferred the ‘Deemed to be University’ status on 23 institutions of Symbiosis which are now under the ambit of Symbiosis International University.
Sharing the background of starting Symbiosis Dr Mujumdar said, a student once told me, ‘Sir, if you ask me how I like Pune, I would say I want to run away from your city.” A young man from Ghana living in the Film Institute hostel opened my eyes to a grave attitudinal problem prevalent in Pune. I soon realised that foreign students were carrying more ill-will than good-will about Pune. It was these very students who went on to important (sometimes ministerial) posts in their respective countries. Issues like this would influence how they perceive India, and thereby affect Foreign Relations. From this, a small organisation for the welfare of students in order to promote international understanding – Symbiosis was born. The name interestingly stems from the Greek words Sim (together) and Bios (life). Two non- identical entities living together for the mutual benefit of both, regardless of colour, religion etc.
In his one interview, Dr Mujumdar said, In 1971 I established the Symbiosis International Cultural & Educational Centre in Pune primarily to promote friendship, co-operation and understanding between foreign and Indian students and to cater to the needs and difficulties of foreign students studying in Pune, mostly Afro-Asian students. Since then, under the aegis of ‘Symbiosis’ I have established 30 institutions imparting training in 174 different courses ranging from KG, Primary, Secondary education to Law, Human Resource Development, Foreign Trade, Management, Computer, Arts & Commerce, Mass Communication, Telecommunication, Information Technology etc. Symbiosis today is the premiere educational institute of Pune and brand equity in providing quality management education. Having proved excellence in education, the Human Resource Development Ministry, Govt. of India has granted Deemed University status to Symbiosis in May 2002.
I was a Pioneer in establishing a unique monument - Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Museum and Memorial, depicting the life and personal belongings of Dr.Ambedkar. A Pioneer in establishing the first ever Institute providing quality management education exclusively to defence personnel and their dependents.
Talking about the Government obstacles in education growth in the country, primarily the councils should be removed. A self- regulatory body supported by the Government should be created. This one window system is something that the knowledge commission has recommended and the bureaucrats are resisting. A Public- Private partnership should be the mantra for education in India. Unless Privatisation occurs in the Education field, there is no future for India.
From 25 Universities to 357, 700 colleges to 18,000, 15,000 teachers to 5 Lac and 1 Lac students to 1 Crore, we have a come a long way from the time of Independence. This has certainly been a quantitative growth but considering the strength of our population, this is not enough. Speaking of quality, when 1 Crore students pass out of higher universities, hardly 2.5- 3 lacs find jobs. What results is an addition to the pool of educated unemployed. We need to universalise professional education if we dream of India becoming a developed/ super- power. For this I strongly support Reservation. You cannot progress leaving 50% of the population behind otherwise there will be a calamity in the form of riots, terror threats etc. by those who won’t allow the rest to sleep. This is what happens when there are capabilities without opportunities.
Looking towards 2020, Dr. Mujumdar’s vision is to “make Symbiosis International University global in a true sense of the term, a Vishwagram, a Knowledge Village. The Symbiosis mission is to translate my vision into reality. And India must nurture its talent by Saraswati. All hassles in the way of starting good education must be abolished”.
His message to the youth of our country is thus: “You are in a country where right is might, humility is not weakness, & where knowledge is power where true leaders are defined more by action than by position and title.”
In appreciation of Dr Mujumdar’s long illustrious career, the President of India awarded the prestigious ‘Padma Shri’ to Dr. S.B.Mujumdar in 2005. Vice President of India also awarded Dr. Mujumdar ‘Punyabhushan’ award in the year 2009. He is also recipient of prestigious ‘FIE Foundation Award’ and ‘Maharashtra Gaurav Award’. Dr. Mujumdar was also the Chairman of the education wing of the prestigious Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industries (FICCI) (2005-06).
I have had a very gentle experience with Dr. Mujumdar. Once I sent him an SMS about an important news about him. In reply he called me and asked to meet. We had a good discussion over 90 minutes. When he asked about myself, I said I’m doing Executive MBA from Symbiosis itself. To my astonishment, he said you are already MBA! I read your SMS regularly and am happy that you are working with a renowned personality like Dr. Vijay Bhatkar. Another specialty of Dr. Mujumdar is that he writes you letters and acknowledges every correspondence. While I was admitted at Sancheti Hospital after my accident in 2007, he sent me a bouquet of flowers along with his letter for speedy recovery! I was amused to receive that letter from a personality as great as him.
In the function of Symbiosis convocation when I received my MBA degree at the hands of Dr. Sam Pitroda, Dr. Mujumdar introduced me with him. I asked Dr. Mujumdar if I could take a picture along with Dr. Pitroda, and he immediately obliged.
Dr. Mujumdar had invited me for the release function of his book ‘Symbiosis Biography of An India’. After the function I was about to leave for home when he called me and asked to join for dinner. He introduced me with many dignitaries present there. That was a special moment for me! It is indeed amazing to see how he manages so many things at a single time, especially in the period of admissions where there is national as well as international rush for brand Symbiosis!
Dr Mujumdar has always concentrated on Symbiosis and made it international brand rather than making ‘Mujumdar’ brand. He has kept himself very low profile, speaks less but relevant, very punctual, committed and straight forward person. Although he can afford to travel by any imported luxurious car, he prefers to travel by Ambassador.
I have also witnessed the humorous side of Dr Mujumdar Sir several times. Once I said Sir I need your advice. He said after 70 year of age what else I can give. I can give advice only! I asked about his health and he replied it is as it should be in the age of 70 plus!
I said, Sir I’ll b happy if you could visit my home. He said, don’t speak like Punekars as we should meet sometime, we should sit sometime. Just finalize the date and I will be there!! As promised he came. We had long discussion and most importantly he said Rahul I just came to hear about me. Now tell me your story. He listed to it patiently and appreciated. In his more than an hour meet he spoke rarely on himself as well as Symbiosis. I remember, he also called me when my interview was published in Lokmat (7 Apr 2011) and said Rahul, your autobiography is appeared in newspaper, I wish you all the best and I am sure you will achieve your all the dreams.
Dr Shantaram Balwant Mujumdar was born on 31st July 1935 in a small town Gadhinglaj in Kolhapur district. Today, he has completed his 76 years age and I wish to write an article on him again on his century.
Sir, wish you all the best!!
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